How to simplify your life, and those of the people you deal with? How can you save time?

=> By creating effective habits for yourself

  • The secrets of those who know how to form effective, attractive habits – but how do they manage to make their lives easier?

  • The fundamental habit: doing things immediately. What does it mean in concrete terms? How can I apply it in my daily life?

  • How can I make sure I have less to do? How can I clear all kinds of self-created involuntary distractions out of my daily life?

  • How can I improve my concentration to be 100% focused on the task in hand? How can I live optimally in the moment?

  • How can I avoid being caught up in other people’s tasks and missed deadlines?

  • How can I manage doing the things I don’t like?

  • How can I manage the monumental tasks that always get put off because there’s never any time?

  • How can I communicate effectively? How do I avoid falling into the “urgent” trap?

  • How can I be more effective in my private life?

Best Practices - PEPw